Mobile and Web Applications

Mobile and Web Access solutions for intelligent waste management

SmartSULO Digital services is the application suite that gives you access to data about your container fleet, user database, collection data, planned/realized rounds. Simplified access to data allows intelligent steering and continuous adaptation of services and products with precision...

SmartSULO Digital services

SmartSulo Digital Services is a modular offer that allows you to manage your equipment, the follow-up of users' requests, collection data, access controls and the incentive fee.

  • A dedicated platform for smart collection management



  • A powerful monitoring and decision support tool
  • Access via a standard web browser and an application regularly updated by our development teams (improvements, new features...)
  • Transparency and data security

SmartSULO Platform

The module dedicated to the management of data relating to your equipment, users and collection. SmartSulo Platform is a modular offer allowing you to manage your equipment, monitor user requests, collection data, access controls and the incentive fee.

SmartSULO FleetManager

SmartSULO FleetManager allows you to monitor the activity of your fleet in real time and optimise collection management. SmartSULO FleetManager, coupled with SmartSULO Platform, provides a 360° view, from the user to the collection.

SmartSULO Services

SmartSULO Services is the solution for the creation, follow-up and management of field interventions. The SmartSULO Services application facilitates and secures the management of information by allowing teams to create, manage and acknowledge their service orders.

SmartSULO Citizen

Within the framework of incentive-based pricing or in order to get closer to the inhabitants/users, SmartSULO Citizen is the Web Access solution allowing inhabitants to consult their collection data and information relating to the collection and management of waste in their municipality/territory.

SmartSULO Driver and SmartSULO Nav

Dedicated driver applications available in the cab on a tablet to track collections and use navigation

SmartSULO Platform

Le module dédié à la gestion des données relatives à vos équipements, aux usagers et à la collecte.

SmartSulo Platform est une offre modulable permettant de gérer vos équipements, le suivi des demandes des usagers, les données de collectes, les contrôles d'accès ainsi que la redevance incitative.

  • Vous accédez et gérez vos données de façon sécurisée via votre Espace Client sécurisé.
  • Vos données sont hébergées de manière sécurisée et confidentielle (conforme RGPD)
  • Votre gestion des déchets est facilitée par l’accès à toutes les informations, à 360°, de la pré-collecte à la collecte.
  • Vous disposez d’outils d’aide à la décision pour toujours mieux maîtriser les coûts de gestion des déchets.

C’est une véritable interface pour le partage de données.

Fleet management

Collection data

Incentive Fee

User services

SmartSULO FleetManager

Le module de suivi en temps réel de l’activité de votre flotte de véhicules et de la collecte.

SULO FleetManager permet de suivre en temps réel l’activité de votre flotte et d’optimiser la gestion de la collecte. SULO FleetManager, couplé à Smart SULO Platform, permet d’avoir une vision à 360°, de l’usager à la collecte.

  • Suivi de l’activité des véhicules
  • Gestion des circuits/des tournées
  • Remontée et gestion des alertes
  • Traçabilité de la Tarification incitative





SmartSULO Services

Le module de gestion de toutes vos interventions terrain

SmartSulo Services est une offre globale de gestion des inteventions terrain et de suivi de votre parc d’équipements.

  • Création des équipements (bacs, composteurs...) en base de données lors de la livraison
  • Création d’ordres de services (Livraison, maintenance..)
  • Gestion des interventions terrain
  • Gestion de la maintenance
  • Indicateurs de productivité et de suivi des ordres de service





SmartSULO Citizen

Within the framework of incentive-based pricing or in order to get closer to the inhabitants/users, SmartSULO Citizen is the Web Access solution allowing inhabitants to consult their collection data and information relating to the collection and management of waste in their commune/territory.

The SmartSULO Citizen access portal can be configured and consulted in a secure manner (username/password) via a standard Web browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)





SmartSULO Driver with
SmartSULO Nav

A modern, interactive and intuitive application for your drivers

SmartSULO Driver is the new in-cab tablet application allowing the driver to follow the collections made at the back of the truck (identified/unidentified bin/error messages...)

SmartSULO Driver is the application offering of SmartSULO ID, it integrates the unique combination of computing power, reliability and intuitive communication interfaces. SmartSULO Driver is scalable and adapts to the needs of the intelligent collection business.

SmartSULO Nav is the navigation and driver assistance option for SmartSULO Driver. It allows you to display collection instructions directly during guidance and facilitates the collection operation.
It also manages route exits and allows your drivers to return to their collection points.







Contact us

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    Yes*, I agree that the data entered may be processed for the purpose of dealing with the request.
    Further explanations on data protection can be found in the privacy policy.

    Vehicle-based systems

    A wide range of on-board solutions to meet your needs

    SmartSULO ID on-board equipment, installed on collection vehicles, allows the recovery of information (identification, weighing geolocation) with the aim of: monitoring, optimisation, operational decision-making and management of the incentive fee.

    Modernise your collection vehicles with smart tools

    SULO designs embedded systems that comply with international information system regulations.
    SULO ID Smart systems are modular and allow the collection of information to make waste collection intelligent.

    Manage, create tours and view your collection data

    The digitalisation of collection services offers a global view of your equipment and your fleet of vehicles to optimise decision making.

    Applications dedicated to the specific needs of the collection business

    The integration of on-board systems on your vehicles brings intelligence to your equipment. The activity of your fleet is recorded and visible in real time.

    Reliable and secure data to manage the incentive fee

    Robust, reliable and efficient systems with an identification rate of 99.9% in order to manage the billing of users within the framework of an incentive fee

    Onboard systems for intelligent collection


    RFID chip identification allows collection data to be recorded and transferred to our secure data centre in real time.


    The geolocation system installed on your vehicles allows you to follow the progress of collections, the location of your trucks and the details of the rounds carried out, in real time or in the past.


    The installation of a dynamic weighing system or a weighing system on a frame makes it possible to collect the weight information that is essential for optimised management of the incentive fee.


    The in-cab navigation system (tablet) allows drivers to carry out their rounds with peace of mind by following collection, guidance and safety instructions. order to analyse

    The vehicle data

    • Vitesse
    • Sécurité (marche-arrière, présence marche-pied...)
    • Temps de pause...

    The collection data

    • Taux d’identification des conteneurs
    • Lieu, heure, géolocalisation des équipements collectés
    • Informations des tournées : temps de collecte, ratio.

    User and driver information

    • Commentaires chauffeurs
    • Informations de sécurité
    • Commentaires liés à une tournée
    • Problèmes rencontrés,...

    Our solution

    Optimising collection by making it intelligent

    4 modules for a complete experience

    Our Smart SULO ID offer integrates on-board equipment allowing the collection of information (vehicles/collection).

    This information can be consulted and configured in our SmartSULO Digital Services application suite in order to analyse, optimise and improve your collection services and to invoice users (within the framework of an incentive fee contract).





    Deposit management and tracking

    Organise access rights and control your containers

    Access control is an electronic system that authorises or refuses the opening of the drum of a container (buried or semi-buried) allowing the deposit of waste bags by users. It takes the form of a protected electronic box placed in the container.
    SmartSULO Access communicates autonomously (via GPRS). The use of GPRS avoids any human intervention and makes the communication of information automatic, fast and secure.

    Control and monitoring of deposits

    Badge and card recognition

    Access authorisation on presentation of a badge Badge/card recognition

    Authorization management

    Control remote authorization with the click of a mouse. You can grant or deny access to containers remotely via our SmartSULO Platform.

    Identification and control of your containers

    Your containers are identified by RFID chip. A reading device is integrated in your underground or semi-buried network.

    Recording access and restrictions

    The openings and closings are recorded and time-stamped.


    Thanks to the recorded data, you can follow the evolution and the filling level of your containers.

    Adapted to the incentive fee

    Grâce au suivi des accès et fermetures, vous pouvez facilement comptabiliser les dépôts d'ordures résiduelles/ménagèresdes usagers en conformité avec les exigences de la Redevance Incitative. Vous pouvez facturé individuellement les usages.
    Les données concernant les usagers sont stockées dans un Data-center sécurisé et sont conservées et protégées en conformité avec le cadre règlementaire Européen du RGPD (Règlement Générale sur la Protection des Données).

    How it works

    Organise access rights and control your containers


    You decide on permissions

    You declare accesses and make your settings. You manage and monitor access controls through the SmartSULO Platform solution.


    We store and secure your settings

    Your settings are recorded and transmitted to access controls


    A user passes his badge in front of the access control reader

    If you have given him/her the rights. This user can open the container door. If not, access will be denied and an information message will be displayed on the access controller.


    The drum flap opens. The user can deposit his waste

    The deposit information (date, time, user card number) is transferred to our secure servers.


    You can view the access and closure data

    The information in this repository can be viewed on the SmartSULO platform.

    Contact us

    Use this form to contact us and talk to our specialists

    Select your profile and let us help you

      Yes*, I agree that the data entered may be processed for the purpose of dealing with the request.
      Further explanations on data protection can be found in the privacy policy.

      Data Engineering

      Base your decisions on intelligent indicators and improve your service

      SULO supports you in your process of optimising the services provided to users by analysing the data from your business systems (Access controllers, Identification system, collection...).
      Our DATA Management division is expert in fault detection and data supervision on French vehicles and access controllers.

      Data intelligence and analytics

      The analysis of your data helps you to make decisions and to improve the satisfaction of your users. For example, you can limit and sometimes avoid certain breakdowns.
      You can also monitor third party services, evaluate their performance and make informed decisions for future collaborations or contracts.

      Relevant indicators, tailored to business needs

      SULO has been serving the waste management industry for over 35 years.
      Our data management experts have implemented monitoring tools to ensure our clients have complete control over the quality of the entire data chain.
      Precise indicators have been created, which can be customised by our experts according to the needs and activities of our clients in order to guarantee maximum quality of service.

      Optimize your costs

      Transforming your data into information allows you to better understand the functioning of your fleet to optimise your costs.
      For example, with location data you can improve your routes to reduce costs.

      DATA engineering

      What is it?


      Data collection

      SULO collects data from various sources. The more data we collect, the more information we can extract that is relevant to you for process and cost optimisation.


      Speed of data inflow

      The speed at which the data flows. The higher the speed, the faster we can process the information in our data and analysis platform and implement it in your performance indicators.



      The more varied the data, the more we are able to provide you with a variety of appropriate indicators.



      Reliability and the different levels of frequency of data collection.
      Data must be consolidated, clean, consistent and up to date for indicators to be accurate.

      Data engineering helps you to


      les taux de casse
      de vos équipements


      your endowment


      the costs

      How does it work?


      The identification system, consisting of reading antennas, collection sensors and readers, is monitored by supervisors and their analysis tools. This supervision, consisting of a progress indicator and an alert, makes it possible to quickly identify possible failures and limit data leakage.


      Les experts en supervision de données contrôlent quotidiennement que :

      • toutes les données ont été envoyées par les systèmes et sont intégrées dans la base de données.
      • Les données sont analysées qualitativement pour s'assurer de leur exhaustivité.


      Discover our 2 packages, and choose the one that suits you.

      Basic: This offer is integrated when you subscribe to an identification systems contract.

      Service: You want more advanced supervision and more complete reporting of indicators.

      Your benefits

      Monitoring, data supervision

      Thanks to the collection of data from embedded systems (geolocation systems, collection boxes, access controls, chips, etc.), our team supervises the quality of your systems by analysing quality indicators.


      A daily supervision report will be provided to enable you to monitor the activity and its effectiveness.

      Insights pertinents

      Our Data Intelligence team will provide you with relevant information tailored to your needs. We will provide you with reports, dashboards and data visualisations.

      Redevance incitative

      Issuance and automatic control of issued invoices

      KPIs on demand

      Real-time analysis to handle large volumes of data on a continuous basis Needs analysis and creation of indicators based on different data sources and volumes

      Early detection of errors and failures

      If a system failure is detected, collection services are immediately alerted to prevent data loss and advised on how to get the system back up and running as quickly as possible.

      Our packages

      Discover our 2 packages



      Cette offre est intégrée lors de la souscription d’un contrat de systèmes d’identification. SULO vous donne les outils pour accéder aux éléments clés de votre gestion de la collecte.


      • Évolutions du parc
      • Emailing




      You wish to have a more advanced supervision and a more complete reporting of the indicators in order to offer the best services to your users and to optimise your costs.


      • Developments in the stock
      • Emailing
      • KPIS
      • Supervision reports
      • Annual operating reports
      • KPI customized
      • Maintenance review


      Contact us

      Use this form to contact us and talk to our specialists

      Select your profile and let us help you

        Yes*, I agree that the data entered may be processed for the purpose of dealing with the request.
        Further explanations on data protection can be found in the privacy policy.


        SULO Experience

        Keep up to date and get access to exlusive content like Webinars and detailed product information.

        RFID chip identification

        SULO offers a wide range of solutions based on RFID technology in compliance with market standards (chips, stickers, key fobs...).

        The different frequencies we offer are a guarantee to adapt to your business needs (13.56 Mhz, 134.2 Khz, UHF ...) in compliance with the EN14803 standard.

        250 B+






        RFID chip identification, the first step to optimising your processes

        Identify the containers and bins in your fleet to collect data and usage

        Equipping containers or bins with an RFID chip allows you to identify each piece of equipment (bins, containers, etc.) individually and to track data relating to their location, collection and maintenance.
        The data is collected and transmitted via the SULO identification systems, which can be configured and consulted via our SmartSULO Digital Services application.

        Manage collection permissions and improve your services

        Each piece of equipment fitted with an RFID chip is identifiable via a unique number linked to your user database. The data collected is of the following type: time/day of collection, GPS position, weight, etc. This identification and association in the database via this unique number also allows the management of collection authorisations (black list, white list, etc.).

        The identification of a collection is also the first step in setting up the incentive fee (management and issuing of invoices via Smart Sulo City)

        Manage your business needs

        SmartSULO Digital Services is the application suite developed for the needs of waste collection companies, giving you web-based access to collection data, current contracts, equipment and the user database.

        The SmartSulo Digital Services offer also allows:

        • the visualisation of collection data in real time and in history
        • the monitoring of the fleet of vehicles in real time and in history (per round, per vehicle, per period)
        • and many other functionalities

        You can also monitor the activity of your fleet in real time and optimise the management of waste collection.

        How it works

        RFID chips

        RFID technology uses radio waves to collect and transfer data without human manipulation. Our RFID system consists of a chip/tag installed on your equipment. The chips are identified by the reader, and the collection information is linked to the user via the database. You then have access to all your data through the SmartSULO Digital Services platform.

        3- Empty bin

        2- Identified bin

        1- Bin presented

        Collection process

        RFID technology allows a chip to be read in order to link it to information about the chip's unique identifier stored in the resident database.

        The reading of a chip during the collection of a bin takes place in 3 steps:

        • The bin equipped with the RFID chip is positioned on the container lift at the back of the truck
        • The RFID chip is read and confirmed by the reader located on the container lift
        • The bin is emptied and the collection information is transmitted to be linked in the database with the unique identifier number of the chip corresponding to the waste producer.

        Error and Anomaly Prevention

        During a collection round and in the event that the collection of bins without chips is not authorised, or that the chip of a bin is blacklisted, the container lifter blocks (blocking mode). In this case, the event is recorded and the driver can force the collection. The information that a blacklisted bin or a bin without a chip has been collected is recorded for verification in the SmartSulo City application.

        RFID chip identification


        For the identification of a wheeled bin, the chip is installed in the dedicated slot under the bin's comb in accordance with EN840.
        As the RFID chip is protected, it is tamper proof and robust.

        Various frequencies

        We offer a wide range of RFID chip designs covering the most suitable frequencies for your project.

        Easy Reading

        With the reader installed on the container lift (SmartSULO ID) or with the help of a manual RFID chip reading system (SmartSULO reader), the information is read at a rate of 99.9%.
        All SULO chips are readable by all RFID readers on the market in accordance with the EN14803 standard

        Collection control

        Identifying your equipment with RFID chips is the basis for accurately identifying each bin in your community, as well as its emptying data.

        Unique identifier

        Each chip is recognisable when read via a unique standardised alphanumeric identifier.

        Adapted to the incentive fee

        In accordance with the requirements of the Incentive Fee, users' bin collections are recorded, geolocated and historically recorded. Personal data concerning users is stored in a secure data centre and is kept and protected in accordance with the European regulatory framework of the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation).

        Contact us

        Use this form to contact us and talk to our specialists

        Select your profile and let us help you

          Yes*, I agree that the data entered may be processed for the purpose of dealing with the request.
          Further explanations on data protection can be found in the privacy policy.

          Digital solutions to turn today's waste into tomorrow's resource

          Platform for application and hardware solutions for every phase of waste management

          With 35 years of experience, the SULO Group's digital division develops smart systems and solutions to track and optimize waste management and collection.
          With SmartSULO devices and solutions, you can become a key player in the Smart City by turning today's waste into tomorrow's resources.

          SmartSULO is our application and hardware solutions platform that allows you to integrate digital intelligence into your tools to meet the waste collection needs of your Smart City.

          RFID chip identification


          Embedded Systems


          Access control


          Mobile and web applications


          Data Engineering


          We accompany them

          SmartSULO is our intelligent platform that allows our clients to limit their operational costs, optimise their collection and support the implementation of an effective digital strategy for the benefit of the environment and the citizen. SmartSULO allows you to manage all stages of waste management and offers a 360° view of your equipment, activities, contracts and performance indicators.

          Municipalities and communities

          Municipalities and communities are faced with many challenges: a growing number of inhabitants, increased urbanisation and increasingly protective environmental legislation.

          To meet these challenges, SULO develops tools that enable municipalities to reduce collection costs, improve productivity and increase citizen satisfaction.

          Private collectors and operators

          Private collectors, as intermediaries between municipalities and residents, need to have at their disposal tools that allow them to share information about their collection activities. Our solutions take into account the multiplicity of stakeholders in waste management in order to propose tailor-made solutions (user portal, provision of access to the municipality, sharing of performance indicators).

          Eco-organisations, consultants

          Whether you are looking for new solutions or in a feasibility study phase for a new waste management system, you can contact us. Our experts can guide you in the realisation and development of your digital projects related to the collection business.


          Our global platform

          SmartSULO is our intelligent platform enabling our clients to limit their operational costs, optimise their collection and support the implementation of an effective Digital strategy at the service of the environment and the citizen. SmartSULO allows you to pilot all the stages of waste management and offers a 360° view of your equipment, activities, contracts and performance indicators.

          SmartSULO Digital Services is the application suite providing web-based access to collection data, current contracts, equipment and the user database.

          Service Digital SmartSULO

          Applications mobiles et web

          The SmartSULO Digital Services offer also allows:
          • the visualisation of collection data in real time and in history
          • the monitoring of the vehicle fleet in real time and in history (by tour, by vehicle, by period).
          • and many other functionalities
          The generation of reports and the consultation of performance indicators are within reach of a click.

          Embedded Systems

          SmartSULO ID is the set of hardware solutions installed on the collection vehicles (identification system/weighing system/on-board computer/navigation system) allowing the collection of all information related to the waste collection activity. The vehicle information (speed, reverse, collection time, etc.) accessible via Smart SULO City allows for real-time optimisation and monitoring of vehicle activity in order to be as close as possible to the field. Our offer is composed of 4 functionalities:
          • Geolocation,
          • Identification,
          • Navigation,
          • Weighing.
          For each functionality, many options are available according to your functional expectations and your budget. As our embedded systems manage customer data, they are secure and comply with international information system standards and the General Data Protection Regulation.

          IOT devices

          SULO offers a range of connected products compatible with the Smart SULO Digital Services application suite:
          • Identification via RFID chips
          • Filling level measurement for underground and semi-underground containers.
          • Manual RFID chip reader to record a collection or maintenance on an equipment.
          • Access controller installed on the bollards of the underground and semi-underground containers to record, communicate and filter their use (access authorisation, recording of deposits, access hours...). The consultation of the data and the parameterization of the access controllers is possible via our SmartSULO City application.
          • Simplified system of remote locking/unlocking of underground and semi-underground containers.

          alt : External Link